Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Marketing Concepts
Custom Ergonomic Footwear
Custom Bio-Engineered Devices
Custom Orthotics
  • CDC (Center for Disease Control) estimates 85% of the American Population suffers from one or more load bearing joint (musculo-skeletal maladies) necessitating medical intervention.   So the need is high nationwide.
  • Medicine has and continues to treat the "SYMPTOM" through medicines, surgeries and rehabilitation.  Few specialists treat the CAUSE of the disease which is why there are so many failures in diagnosis and treatment.
  • Consumers, patients, workers and sports enthusiasts are looking for solutions to end pain, improve function without surgery or toxic medications.    
New Advancements
Bio-Engineered Devices represent an advanced & accurate solution to identifying and treating simple to complex load bearing pathomechanical diseases that affect so many people..  
  • Bio-Engineered Devices are fully guaranteed to work.    Orthotics due to the inherent errors in manufacturing, are not guaranteed. 
Market Trends
The problems and confusion regarding "Orthotics"
  • Many companies which make Prefabricated Insoles, call them "Custom Orthotics", (example Scholls and Foot Levelers).   The Federal Trade Commission does not seem to motivated to resolve this market confusion and as a result, the public is confused about the the value these products provide.   Due to advancements in 3D Imaging and digital manufacturing, the accuracy has dramatically improved bring forth a new set of products called Bio-Engineered Devices (BED) and Custom Ergonomic Footwear.   We believe it is time to drive up quality of efficacy and reliability in all markets and separate BED devices which are fully guaranteed from Orthotics which are not guaranteed.

The Baby Boom Population Trends
  • The population is getting older and the health care system is changing dramatically.   The baby boomers are educated and demanding better solutions to the standard answer by medicine of medication and surgery.   They want to be independent, and most are using the Internet.  
  • Getting baby boomers on 2 mile waling programs using Ergonomic Footwear will represent a growing markets in medical, retail, sports and industrial markets.
Organic Disease Trends
  • Diabetes, Congestive Heart Disease, Obesity, Hypertension, Peripheral Vascular Disease represent the largest cost health care.
  • Simply walking 2 miles a day will many times reverse these diseases.
  • Ergonomic walking programs can have a dramatic effect on mortality and morbidity.

Surgical Implant Trends
  • New standards of care are developing around the pre-operative and post operative assessment of joint implant surgeries of the body.
  • Implants are failing because of many factors.  The most common is due to mechanical fatigue.
  • Complications associated with "Transfer Lesions" (another joint or joints break down as a result of additional transfer biomechanical stress) are preventable through analysis using 3D Weight Bearing Kinematic Imaging (3DO). 

Pediatric Trends
  • The greatest biomechanical corrections come from Pediatric intervention.   Effecting bone growth through Bio Engineered Devices and Orthotics are very beneficial to developing children.    The epiphyseal growth centers usually fuse around age 22.   Prior to that age, we can make a very important impact in load bearing biomechanical diseases.  Pediatric physicians need to know that these deformities (foot and limb diseases), are treatable.   "We need to stop the long trend of sending the wrong messages to parents", Dr Craig Lowe.
Sports Trends
  • Performance enhancement and injuries (preventable), in the Sports markets are preventable.  
  • Growing the awareness of Biomechanics, Ergonomics and the utilization of Bio-Engineered Devices will grow, as current trends suggest.
  • Linear movement sports and rotational movement sports are effected through Bio-Engineered Devices and Orthotics.
Safety Industry Trends
  • Preventing injuries and improving performance (productivity) is just what employers need.  
  • Rising Workers Compensations costs are killing business.   These injuries are preventable.
  • Improving productivity improves profits.
  • Improving comfort builds the employer - employee relationship.
 Advertising and Marketing Concepts

Have You Had the BED Experience Yet?
Bio Engineered Devices are Custom Ergonomic Solutions to end pain and restore function
Lets Go For A Walk Campaign
Change your life. . . Walk 2 miles a day without pain


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